Retrieve all Audit Reports

GET /v1/audit/data

Provides a compiled list of your Audits, ordered chronologically by their creation date. The latest audit created will be presented at the top of the list.

Query parameters

  • limit number

    Limit is the number of objects to be returned. The default limit is 10.

  • skip number

    Skip is the number of objects to be skipped.


  • 200 application/json

    Successful response.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • data array[object]

      An array of audit reports

      Hide data attributes Show data attributes object
      • auditId string
      • url string
      • device string
      • network string
      • location string
      • labData object
        Hide labData attributes Show labData attributes
        • Performance Score

        • Accessibility Score

        • seo number

          Search Engine Optimization Score

        • Best Practices Score

        • pwa number

          Progressive Web App

        • fcp number

          First Contentful Paint time (in milliseconds)

        • lcp number

          Largest Contentful Paint time (in milliseconds)

        • tbt number

          Total Blocking time (in milliseconds)

        • cls number

          Cumulative Layout Shift

        • si number

          Speed Index (in milliseconds)

        • tti number

          Time to Interactive (in milliseconds)

      • In case the fieldData value is null, it indicates that Google's Core Web Vitals data (CrUX) is currently unavailable for the provided URL

        Hide fieldData attributes Show fieldData attributes
        • fcp number

          First Contentful Paint time (in milliseconds)

        • lcp number

          Largest Contentful Paint time (in milliseconds)

        • fid number

          First Input Delay (in milliseconds)

        • cls number

          Cumulative Layout Shift

        • inp number

          Interaction to Next Paint (in milliseconds)

        • ttfb number

          Time to FIrst Byte (in milliseconds)

        • Percentile of the Calculated Metrics

    • total number

      The total number of objects in the array.

  • 404 application/json

    Resource not found

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object

    An error response from the Auditzy API

    • message string

      A human-readable message providing more details about the error.

    • status string

      A status describing the situation

GET /v1/audit/data
curl \
 -X GET \
Response examples (200)
  "data": [
      "url": "",
      "device": "Macbook Air 2020 (1440 x 900)",
      "auditId": "021277ec-6c3-ef04a-a07-64a30cba02aa",
      "labData": {
        "si": 1367,
        "cls": 0.01,
        "fcp": 1232,
        "lcp": 1245,
        "pwa": 85,
        "seo": 90,
        "tbt": 39,
        "tti": 1458,
        "performance": 96,
        "accessibility": 91,
        "bestPractices": 92
      "network": "5G (67 Mbps/67 Mbps, 10ms TCP RTT)",
      "location": "Mumbai, India",
      "createdAt": "2023-10-13T05:28:31.022Z",
      "fieldData": {
        "cls": 0.01,
        "fcp": 1232,
        "fid": 1232,
        "inp": 396,
        "lcp": 1245,
        "ttfb": 1367
  "total": 3,
  "status": "SUCCESS"
Response examples (404)
  "status": "FAILURE",
  "message": "Resource Not Found"