Start a Audit

POST /v1/audit/start

Start a new Audit



This is the Audit start body object

  • url string Required

    The url of webpage

  • device string Required

    Values are mobile, desktop, macbookAir2020, highEndLaptop, macbookPro133, macbookPro16, msSurfaceBook315, msSurfaceBook3135, msSurface, ipad102, samsungGalaxyTab7, iphone13ProMax, iphone11, samsungGalaxyS10Plus, redmiNote8Pro, iphone7, samsungGalaxyA50, motorolaMotoG5, redmi5A, iphone13Pro, iphone8Plus, ipadPro129, samsungGalaxyA32, samsungGalaxyS21Ultra, samsungGalaxyS20, oneplus10Pro, oneplus7, iphoneXR, iphone5, iphone6, iphone11Pro, iphone12Pro, iphone12Mini, pixel, oneplusNord, samsungGalaxyS8, pixel3, pixel4, pixel5, pixel6, or pixel6Pro.

  • location string Required

    Values are in, us-tx, us-ca, eu, fr, au, uk, ca, or br.

  • network string Required

    Values are fiber, cable, dsl, normal5g, wifiFast, wifi, normal4gFast, desktopDense4G, normal4g, normal3gSlow, normal2gEdge, normal2g, mobileSlow4g, or mobileRegular4g.


  • 200 application/json

    A trackingId to track the audit will be returned

  • 400 application/json

    Invalid Request body or missing required parameters

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • message string

      A human-readable message providing more details about the error.

    • status string

      A status describing the situation

  • 402 application/json

    Insufficient Credits

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • message string

      A human-readable message providing more details about the error.

    • status string

      A status describing the situation

  • 406 application/json

    Invalid Request Body Values or Invalid URL

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • message string

      A human-readable message providing more details about the error.

    • status string

      A status describing the situation

POST /v1/audit/start
curl \
 --request POST \
 --header "X-ADZ-KEY: $API_KEY" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"url":"","device":"macbookAir2020","network":"normal5g","location":"in"}'
Request example
  "url": "",
  "device": "macbookAir2020",
  "network": "normal5g",
  "location": "in"
Response examples (200)
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "trackingId": "LGHKJGCEIQzrdCox"
Response examples (400)
  "status": "FAILURE",
  "message": "Invalid Request body or missing required parameters"
Response examples (402)
  "status": "FAILURE",
  "message": "Insufficient Credits"
Response examples (406)
  "status": "FAILURE",
  "message": "Invalid Url"