Retrieve a Audit Report
Fetches the audit report associated with a specific audit. Provide the unique auditId obtained from either an audit track status response or the audit data list, and the Auditzy API will respond with the relevant details for the specified audit.
Path parameters
string Required Maximum length is
curl \
--request GET \
--header "X-ADZ-KEY: $API_KEY"
Response examples (200)
"data": {
"url": "",
"device": "Macbook Air 2020 (1440 x 900)",
"auditId": "021277ec-6c3-ef04a-a07-64a30cba02aa",
"labData": {
"si": 1367,
"cls": 0.01,
"fcp": 1232,
"lcp": 1245,
"pwa": 85,
"seo": 90,
"tbt": 39,
"tti": 1458,
"performance": 96,
"accessibility": 91,
"bestPractices": 92
"network": "5G (67 Mbps/67 Mbps, 10ms TCP RTT)",
"location": "Mumbai, India",
"createdAt": "2023-10-13T05:28:31.022Z",
"fieldData": {
"cls": 0.01,
"fcp": 1232,
"fid": 1232,
"inp": 396,
"lcp": 1245,
"ttfb": 1367
"status": "SUCCESS"
Response examples (404)
"status": "FAILURE",
"message": "Resource Not Found"