Retrieve a Audit Report

GET /v1/audit/data/{id}

Fetches the audit report associated with a specific audit. Provide the unique auditId obtained from either an audit track status response or the audit data list, and the Auditzy API will respond with the relevant details for the specified audit.

Path parameters

  • id string Required

    Maximum length is 50.


  • 200 application/json

    Successful response.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • auditId string
    • url string
    • device string
    • network string
    • location string
    • labData object
      Hide labData attributes Show labData attributes object
      • Performance Score

      • Accessibility Score

      • seo number

        Search Engine Optimization Score

      • Best Practices Score

      • pwa number

        Progressive Web App

      • fcp number

        First Contentful Paint time (in milliseconds)

      • lcp number

        Largest Contentful Paint time (in milliseconds)

      • tbt number

        Total Blocking time (in milliseconds)

      • cls number

        Cumulative Layout Shift

      • si number

        Speed Index (in milliseconds)

      • tti number

        Time to Interactive (in milliseconds)

    • In case the fieldData value is null, it indicates that Google's Core Web Vitals data (CrUX) is currently unavailable for the provided URL

      Hide fieldData attributes Show fieldData attributes object
      • fcp number

        First Contentful Paint time (in milliseconds)

      • lcp number

        Largest Contentful Paint time (in milliseconds)

      • fid number

        First Input Delay (in milliseconds)

      • cls number

        Cumulative Layout Shift

      • inp number

        Interaction to Next Paint (in milliseconds)

      • ttfb number

        Time to FIrst Byte (in milliseconds)

      • Percentile of the Calculated Metrics

  • 404 application/json

    Resource not found

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • message string

      A human-readable message providing more details about the error.

    • status string

      A status describing the situation

GET /v1/audit/data/{id}
curl \
 -X GET \
Response examples (200)
  "data": {
    "url": "",
    "device": "Macbook Air 2020 (1440 x 900)",
    "auditId": "021277ec-6c3-ef04a-a07-64a30cba02aa",
    "labData": {
      "si": 1367,
      "cls": 0.01,
      "fcp": 1232,
      "lcp": 1245,
      "pwa": 85,
      "seo": 90,
      "tbt": 39,
      "tti": 1458,
      "performance": 96,
      "accessibility": 91,
      "bestPractices": 92
    "network": "5G (67 Mbps/67 Mbps, 10ms TCP RTT)",
    "location": "Mumbai, India",
    "createdAt": "2023-10-13T05:28:31.022Z",
    "fieldData": {
      "cls": 0.01,
      "fcp": 1232,
      "fid": 1232,
      "inp": 396,
      "lcp": 1245,
      "ttfb": 1367
  "status": "SUCCESS"
Response examples (404)
  "status": "FAILURE",
  "message": "Resource Not Found"